I’ve got the same problem !
Any issues ? Big problem for me 
Hey @senior65, @ilhas and @123R!
I have been looking into this, and it appears that you’re running into a bug where the Pushed Message modal isn’t displayed.
@senior65 it looks like you’ve already been added to the bug report for this. @ilhas and @123R I’ve added you to the list of affected users as well. We will email you as soon as it’s been officially resolved.
In the meantime, turning off all New Pushed Message zaps and then turn them back on again should get the modal to appear again. Could you please give that a try to see if that does the trick?
Same issue over here. Built 4 essential processes on this functionality and it’s been dead for a month now.
@SamB I try to turn off and on all my Zaps and the modal does not appear. I was a month late on my reports And it's becoming a big problem for me!
Hi @hyggecoworking and @123R,
I’m very sorry about the impact this issue is causing. That’s not what we want at all!
@hyggecoworking, it seems our Support team have already added you as an affected user on the bug report. We’ll definitely be in touch by email as soon as it’s been sorted.
@123R, it could be that the account also needs to be reconnected. Could you please try reconnecting your Slack account(s) and then try turning all affect Zaps off and on again? I’m hoping this will help reset the connection and get it appearing again while we wait for a more permanent fix to be implemented.
@SamB as the support ask me, I try to reconnect my account this morning. That’s not working.
i also try by creating a new account on slack and used it on my zap. Doesn’t work too.
I Take delay on my work and it's a big problem for me. I also lost my credits of the last month and I will not able to get back my delay without them.
Did you have a fast solution for the modal ?
Can you do something, when the situation will be fine, to get back my lost credits of the last month ?
No luck on my end either. I’ve tried deleting accounts, zaps, reconnecting, on/off, etc. Nothing makes the the pop up work in Slack. Keep me posted.
Hey @123R and @hyggecoworking,
Thanks for giving that a try, I’m sorry it didn’t work and that you’re still running into issues. We’ll be sure to notify you as soon as we have an update on this issue.
As a workaround, you could potentially make a copy of your existing New Pushed Message Zaps and switch the copied versions to use the Slack New Reaction Added trigger instead. That would trigger whenever a specific reaction is added to a message. It may be a good idea to add some new emojis to Slack specifically for firing the Zaps - Add customised emoji to your workspace
Please note that you’d have to reselect any trigger fields used in subsequent steps when the trigger action is switched over. I know this isn’t an ideal solution, but might be worth implementing to get your workflows back up and running in the meantime.
Hope this helps! :)
@SamB I’ve tried to change my Zap by using a reaction but that doesn’t work in my case :
- The channels where I use Zap was in Private, Zap allow used reaction only on Public channel and Slack not allow to convert Private Channel to Public.
- I use the input in the modal to qualify the input.
I also try by using New Message Posted to Private Channel in Slack but Zap only list Public channel inside the list of Channel ….
Sorry but the solution not help my :(
Hey @123R, thanks for letting me know!
Sorry that workaround won’t be a good fit for your use case here. I really wish I had a better workaround to suggest to you here. :(
With the missing private channel when using the New Message Posted to Private Channel trigger, it may be worth reaching out to our Support team to investigate that further. They’ll be able to dig into the logs and should be better able to spot what’s preventing it from appearing. The best way to reach them is by using our Get Help form. Please do let us know whether they’re able to help you get that New Message Posted to Private Channel trigger set up as a temporary workaround. Eager to ensure you’re all set! :)
So was the bug fixed?
I don’t see the next step (the text box and all) when I click “push to zapier” from slack
Not corrected and no news.
I went to a competitor ... work perfectly
Hey @Sincerely, welcome to the Community! :)
I’ve just checked on the bug report for this and it doesn’t appear to have been fixed yet so I’ve added you as another affected user. We’ll be in touch by email once it’s been fixed.
In the meantime, we have had reports that power cycling (turning affected Zaps off and on again) and reconnecting Slack did get it appearing again for some users. So that may be worth trying in the meantime.
@123R, thanks for letting us know. I’m really glad to hear you were able to get a solution, even if it doesn’t involve Zapier. :)
Hi could you please add me as an affected user as well
Hey @Am86,
I’ve added you to the list of affected users now. We’ll email you as soon as it’s been sorted! :)
Is there any update on when this issue will be fixed?
Thanks so much for reaching out, @Victoria_. While we don’t have any updates to share at the moment, I’ve gone ahead and added to the list of impacted users. We’ll be sure to send an email and keep this thread informed as soon as we know more!
Please could I be added to the list of affected users.
Happy to be contacted as well if required.
Sure thing, @zenjmoo! I’ve added you to the list of affected users. You’ll be emailed as soon as this is resolved. :)
Hello - I got an email to say this bug was fixed but the pop out box when clicking push to Zapier on Slack still isn’t showing up for just one of my colleagues - is there an issue with different levels of account access on Slack? i.e. it works for normal users and admins but not owners?
Hey @Victoria_!
Ah, it looks as though there was a previous bug open for this which was since closed. But there had been new reports of this behaviour persisting and so a new bug report was opened in its place.
It’s not been reported that it’s only affecting owners so I can’t confirm whether that’s the case here. I’ve just double-checked and you’ve definitely been added to the bug report that’s currently open so we will definitely notify you once that’s been fully resolved. I’m very sorry for any confusion caused here. Hopefully they’ll be able to get this sorted out soon!
Please add me to the list of affected users. Hoping for a fix as soon as possible!!
Of course, @lbell! I’ve added you to the list of affected users as well now. We’ll email as soon as it’s been sorted. :)