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Pull information from Jira form & import in Google Sheets

  • 27 August 2024
  • 2 replies

I wanted to connect Jira with Google Sheets via Zapier. I have built a form in Jira that is attached to a request type. I have then selected Jira Software Cloud in Zapier to extract that information from the form. When I want to create a row in Google Sheets, however, the information does not show. Does anyone have an idea how I can pull the inform from the form in the request type?

Hi @JuGeee 

I cant see any New Form Submission or New Request Triggers for Jira App inside Zapier.

You should use any of the following triggers and see if you get the data from Jira Form Submission



Hi @JuGeee, welcome to the Community! 🎉

Like @Satya09 here, I don’t see any triggers that specifically mention requests or form submissions. So you may need to reach out to our Support team to submit a new feature request for those types of triggers to be added. You can do that here: 

That said, I’m wondering if requests are just a different type of issue in Jira? 🤔 If so, perhaps you could try using the New Issues (Via JQL) trigger for this? As, in theory, you could use JQL to specify necessary request type and get the Zap triggering triggering on requests that way.

If you do give that a try please keep us updated on how you get on with it–keen to ensure you’re all set! 🙂
