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I want to create a contact in NiceJob when a job in Acculynx is completed.  The Acculynx zap returns a list of records matching the job status.  How do I process each of the records returned?

Hey @rickbweir! I wanted to offer that if those jobs are coming across as line items, you can use our Looping app to trigger on each one of them to have those jobs sent individually to NiceJob. 🙂

If they aren’t in line item format, you can first convert them to that format using a different formatter function:

Hopefully that helps get you what you need but if not, let us know - happy to continue working with you on this one!

Ahh I see @rickbweir, for this case, it appears that a work around is needed. As I’m not too well versed in Acculynx, I may not be the best resource. But I noticed your Zap user plan, and believe that reaching out to our Support team may be beneficial in getting you all squared away. If nothing else, they can set up a feature request to have this capability presented to the developers. I know this likely isn’t the answer you were looking for, but my hopes is that they will be able to lead you in the right direction toward success! 

No quite…  When I call the Acculynx interface, it returns a list of jobs by Milestone.  In my case, I asked for “Completed” jobs.  Let’s say it returns 3 jobs.  The next step is to create/update the contact records in NiceJob.  

How do I feed all 3 records returned from Acculynx into NiceJob since the NiceJob interface only accepts 1 record?  

Hi @rickbweir 👋 -

I’d love to help! I’m afraid I’ll need a bit more context regarding your request. From what I gather, it appears that you have a two step Zap running, and after the information is collected, you’re wondering where it goes next? Do I have that correct?