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I tried to define a  trigger for BigIn New Deal in Zapier and it returns all data fields excepted the assoicated products in the deal.  I understand the BigIn API only returns associated products when you try to get a single deal record but not if you retrieve all deals.  The Zapier New Deal trigger should return associated products.  Does anyone has issues with BigIn deals?  Am I missing anything when defining the ZAP? Thanks in advance for your help.

Hey @blackr32,

Welcome to the Community! I’ve done some testing and I’ve not seeing any associated products coming through with the New Deal trigger for BigIn either.

And we don’t appear to have any existing feature requests open for this that I can add you to. So I’d recommend getting in touch with our Support team so that they can open up a feature request for this on your behalf. The best way to contact them is via our Get Help form. I’m sorry to not have a more immediate solution to suggest here.

Hi @SamB,

Thanks for you input and I will try to contact the support team.