
Posting to Wordpress and deleting the post after a week?

  • 19 April 2024
  • 1 reply

I kind of suspect this is out of Zapier’s capabilities and/or I’m setting things up the wrong way around, but wanted to ask!

The organization I work for has a website on Wordpress and sends a weekly newsletter through Mailchimp. We’d like to have the latest Mailchimp newsletter automatically posted on the website as well, so I set up a Zap to do that (new wordpress post triggered by new Mailchimp campaign). However, I’d like it if each week’s post could be removed when the newest newsletter is posted (so that the past ones aren’t still live to potentially pop up when someone searches the site). When we make website posts directly on Wordpress we use the PublishPress Future plugin to schedule a date for it to go in the trash, but I don’t think Zapier can access that when making a post, nor do I see any options in the Zaps to have Zapier delete a post. 


is such a thing possible?

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Userlevel 7
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Hi @EbbyAtStJohns 

You may have to use the WordPress API to delete a post:

Zap action: WordPress - API Request

You can add a Delay (For) step to the Zap.