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Hi there!

I’m trying to create Wordpress Blog posts from selectection Facebook Business Page Posts.

I’m adding a #hashtag as a filter, so that Zapier only posts those I’m interested in.

I can post the text etc from FB to WP without any problem.

But I can’t get the photo (posted to the FB post) to make it to Wordpress.

Does anyone know which Facebook field I should be mapping to the wordpress featured image?

Many thanks

Hi @MRH ,

Thanks for reaching out! Sorry you are running into this hiccup with your photo!

To create this workflow you will need to add a step to upload the image and then use a custom value on the create post step, using the ID from the upload step. 

Let us know if that does the trick or if you have any additional questions!

Many thanks.


Which FB field would you recommend using for the image?

I’ve tried Full Res Picture - but that results in


We had trouble sending your test through. Fault (code 500) occurred. Message: Could not write file Imprint-Photobooths-and-Magic-Mirrors (Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.).

Many thanks for your help!

Hi @MRH,

If you’re using a Facebook trigger there’s likely a field like picture or full_picture that you can use for the File and then for the Filename you need to make sure you pay attention to this help text:


As a test can you try making one of those picture fields and then just type a filename in there, making sure to use the extension (and have it match the extension of the file you’re uploading). Can you give that a shot?

Many thanks for your patience!

I can now see the image files uploaded to my Wordpress media library!  This is a major step!


In the next step, which creates the FB post, I’m still struggling to make it use that image!

Any suggestion as to which of the fields I should be using for the featured image?

Thanks again,


Hi @MRH!

Can you confirm what your Zap consists of? I thought you were going FROM Facebook to WordPress, but in your most recent response you said “In the next step, which creates the FB post, I’m still struggling to make it use that image!”

Would you be able to describe the trigger and actions or take a screenshot of the steps in the Zap editor when you’ve got that Zap open? Thanks!

Aaah - my mistake.  I should have said…..  created the WP post…..

Anyway, here’s a screen shot..



Sorry for the confusion!  Thanks for your patience and assistance.

Hi there @MRH ,


Could you try to use the field “File” from the previous action which uploaded the file? It would be under custom:

Let me know if this works



I’m wondering if I need to get a server setting changed….


Wordpress is exposing XML-RPC to allow remote publishing. This way, services like Zapier can create posts and whatever. However, I don't believe there is any limit build in Wordpress itself. So it might be either;

  • Your hosting, created some .htaccess or other filter to limit the amount of requests
  • Zapier having a limit on amount of XML-RPC requests it can send

Maybe someone from the Zapier team like @Danvers can say something about that last item?

Try it again in a few hours and see if it works.




I'm going to flag this post for the Zapier Community Team. They should have more insight on this and can escalate to the support team if needed.

Sit tight, and someone will contact you soon.

Hi @MRH! I’m not aware of any limits on the amount of XML-RPC that can be sent using Zapier. It’s most likely that there’s a server setting somewhere that needs to be looked at. 


Could I ask you to please take a look at the trouble shooting guide Common Problems with WordPress to see if there are any settings listed there that you could change in WordPress (the guide doesn’t specifically reference XML RCP limits, but it does describe some common issues that might be related. 


Also, could I ask if your blog has a redirect set up for a domain that your WordPress site is hosted on, for example: is set up to redirect to 


If it is then could you please use the generic Wordpress address when setting up the connection to Zapier. 


Let us know if that works or if you still need some help!

Thanks guys.

I’ve been through the “Common Problems” and can’t see anything that might explain the problems.

This is on a domain hosted by siteground.

I’ve spotted this thread  which looks like a similar problem in a different application.

Thanks for your continued assistance.

Hi @MRH!  After doing some digging, I think I know what this error relates to. 


In the Create Post step, for the featured media you need to use the ID field from the Upload media step and not the name of the file. That’s the field that’s highlighted with the orange square in the image below:



If you use the ID for the featured media field, that should get you sorted 🙂