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I have a workflow where I post photos to FB/IG automatically from Trello. However, it’s only working if a have only one photo as attachments to my Trello card. Do you know a way to post more than one photo at a time? Neither Attachment nor Attachment URL are working.

Hey Sandra!

Justin here, welcome to the Zapier Community, that’s a great question!

This is a really sought after feature for both of our Facebook and Instagram integrations. However, we currently don’t support publishing multiple videos/pictures per post. 

We do have existing feature requests out for this in both apps, I’m not able to provide a timeline on when these might get implemented. 

However, I have gone ahead and added you to both feature requests so you’ll be notified when they are supported. 

Let me know if you have any other questions!

Hi folks,

I’m happy to share that the feature request for the ability to share multiple images with the Create Page Photo (Facebook Pages) action has been implemented! 🎉

In case you missed the email notification about this, here’s the key information from it that you need to know:

If you would like to try it, you are required to update your Facebook Pages App in your Zap. Here is a guide on how to do this. After which, you should see the new Trigger in Facebook Pages App. Lastly, you are required to make a new authentication to Facebook when using this feature.

You won’t need to make any changes to your existing Zaps, but if there are Zaps you were hoping to create, you can head on over to the editor and make those happen!

Please note: The other feature request for the Instagram app on Zapier remains open at the moment, but we’ll be sure to follow up here with another update once it’s implemented.

If you run into any issues on when adding multiple images please do reach out in the Community to let us know. In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡️
