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Possible to monitor changes in a folder on a computer or server?

  • 16 March 2022
  • 1 reply


I have a zapier workflow that works to track version numbers on files in a folder in dropbox.

I was wondering about the possibility of doing the same but on a server or computer watch folder.


Ideally it would report the filename and path to something I could work with in zapier.




Hey there, @ToyRobotMedia!

Welcome to the Community! 🎉 

To clarify, are the files you’re hoping to trigger off stored locally? If so, it’s possible we may have an app to support this but it might be worth poking around here to to see if any of them are suitable for your needs! 

This is another related topic that could be helpful as well:

 Hopefully this at least gets you pointed in the right direction! 🙂