Welcome to the Community, @Devgas22!
I did some checking and it’s not currently possible to set the visibility of the guest list through Zapier. We have an existing feature request open for the ability to hide the guest list when creating new Google Calendar events, so I’ve gone ahead and added your vote for that.
I can’t give any estimates as to when it will be implemented but we’ll be sure to notify you by email the moment it is! 
Hi @Clo by PeopleCues, thanks for checking on this!
I’ve just reviewed the feature request and it’s still not possible. I can’t give any sort of ETA on when you might expect that feature to be added but I’ve added your vote for it. This helps to increase it’s priority and allows us to send you an email notification as soon as the ability to hide a guest list is added.
In the meantime, there’s now an API Request (beta) action available for the Google Calendar which may allow you to create the event and hide the guest list. Googles API documentation mentions that there’s a guestsCanSeeOtherGuests setting available for the Events: insert endpoint which would set the guest list to be hidden.
Please note that API Request actions are a bit more advanced as you’d need to reference the Google’s API documentation to set them up. If that’s something you’d like to explore we have a general guide on how to set up API Requests here: Set up an API request action
Hope that helps. If you run into any trouble in setting up an API Request action for Google Calendar just let us know and we’ll be happy to assist further.