I have an Amazon S3 bucket which receives both csv and pdf files. I want to create 2 separate processes in Zapier to act on upload of new files in the bucket. I could use a path at the top to split the actions but I really don’t want a single zap as the handling of each file type is completely different. My question is, if I create 2 zaps that each trigger on “new file” in the same s3 bucket but then have a filter to only continue if the file ends in the appropriate extension, will that work? In other words, will both Zaps fire on the new file creation, or is not a guaranteed result?
The files are eventually going to end up in dropbox or Google drive, so the other option I considered is making 3 zaps. Zap 1 would fire on the new file being created in S3, and it would have a path to move it to either the dropbox csv or pdf folder, depending on file type. Zaps 2 & 3 would each run independently on the creation of a new file in their respective dropbox folders.