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Hey Zappers – I’m trying run a simple Zap to populate a sheet with podcast details from RSS.


Challenge: Take an RSS feed that delivers HTML as a text blob, parse that HTML for the title tag, drop result into a Google Sheet.

Obstacle: Parsing the HTML.

A snippet of the the RSS feed:

<rss xmlns:itunes="" xmlns:googleplay="" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:media="" xmlns:content="" version="2.0">
<atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/>
<title>The Joe Rogan Experience</title>
<copyright>© All rights reserved</copyright>
<description>The official podcast of comedian Joe Rogan.</description>

Since I can’t find a way to pull the podcast name (NOT the episode title) from the RSS feed, I’d like to add a step that says “for each <title>, create a row in the sheet”

Is this doable?


Hi @Chaser Norm, welcome to the Community! 😁

Hmm, if the name of the blog isn’t present in the information received from the RSS feed I wonder if you could match the blog name to the feed’s link? Presumably that <atom:link> tag in your example contains the link to the feed so you might be able to use that as the input for a Formatter (Utilities > Lookup Table) action. A lookup table could be used to convert the link into the corresponding blog name which you could then use in the Google Sheets action.

If you’ve not worked with lookup tables in Zaps before I’d recommend checking out our Create lookup tables in Zaps to learn more.

Do you think that approach could work for your needs here?