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Pipedrive leads to Facebook Conversions

  • 5 July 2021
  • 1 reply



If I create a zap for CRM leads to show in Facebook conversions, will the Facebook conversions only show leads from the Facebook ad campaigns or will they show all new CRM leads regardless of where they have come from?


My clients contact form is directly linked to his CRM, we used to track lead events on the thank you page submission, but now need to track them from the CRM.

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1 reply

Userlevel 4
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Hi @KellyWorrall,

Thanks for the question! That may be a question for Facebook Conversions Support if you also have lead events being sent directly with a thank you page submission.

If there are going to be duplicate events sent from the Zap to Facebook and directly from the thank you page to Facebook, you may be able to deduplicate those events. 

Documentation from Facebook, referring to how to deduplicate events:

From Facebook: "After you set up the event name and event ID parameters, we deduplicate all but the first event we receive if the events have the same event ID, have the same event name, are received by the same pixel ID and are received within 48 hours of the first event."

Hope that helps!