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Pipedrive custom field names are not being displayed as expected


I’m having trouble with the Test Trigger, I explain myself.

When i’m using a zap that is extracting data from Pipedrive, and i’m looking for specific fields that i’ve created on Pipedrive like for instance the “persona”.

I added a list of possibility listed between “1 . blablabla” to “9 . blablabla”

In the test trigger i found a long string of characters like “dfdfdf565sfwcotphrîhk12qwcxlkjc9” for the custom field and for the value i’ve got a number instead of a short string.


I’ve been checking for hours on the community blog and also on Pipedrive but I didn’t find a suitable solution to my issue. If someone already met this king of problem, I would be happy to know the solution.


Thank you all and take care of yourself !

It’s because the field is a dropdown - each option for a dropdown in Pipedrive is assigned a numeric ID to represent it - you won’t see the string value when you look it up.

Through trial and error you’ll need to get a list of each ID and its corresponding option - then use a Lookup table to turn the ID into a string value.

Hi @Soappp, just checking in to see if you still need help with this? Was the article Andrew linked to useful in converting the Pipedrive IDs into their corresponding name? Please let us know!