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How do I retrieve customer data fields (first name, last name, etc.) from a text block like for example:

Account information:
Salutation = Mr.
Title = Dr.
Last Name = Schmidt
First Name = Johannes
Company = Green Energy Solutions GmbH
Street = Hauptstraße 15
ZIP = 10115
City = Berlin
FullCity = 10115 Berlin
Country = Germany
State / Province =
Phone = +49 1723456789

Hey @vjedlicka ,


Will the data format be the exact same in text format? If yes than you can write a Javascript code to extract data from the text block.


You can use Code by Zapier for this.

Hi @vjedlicka,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

You can use AI by Zapier to parse the information that you’re looking for. You can learn more about that here:

Hopefully, this helps!

@vjedlicka What is the exact input format for your text? I can send you also some simple code. I think it also depends how you want the data extracted, say to google sheets?