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Ontraport to Salesforce Professional Integration

  • 6 December 2019
  • 2 replies

Hey Zapier Community,

We're looking to integrate Ontraport to Salesforce.

  1. Is the integration possible with both Salesforce Essential and Professional editions?
  2. Rule based auto-add/update Ontraport contacts to Salesforce and vice-versa?

Thank you!

Hi @Luen_Supa1 - welcome!

So, the good news is that you can connect either the Essential or Professional versions of Salesforce. So you're all good there.

You can trigger on new/updated contacts in both Salesforce and Ontraport, and you can also create/update contacts in Ontraport and Salesforce, so bulding a two-way sync is definitely possible.

The implement rules, you'll want to use Filter steps:

Add conditions to Zaps with filters One thing to be aware of is the risk of creating a loop scenario where zaps trigger each other back and forth, for infinity and beyond! So plan your filters carefully to stop this.

Hopefully, that all makes sense?

Super helpful! Thank you AndrewJDavison_Luhhu