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When zapping to a drop down box or radio button (single select field) is it possible to ONLY update the field if the target field is blank (i.e. not selected)?

For example, I want an action to update CUSTOMER SOURCE, but only if the CUSTOMER SOURCE is not set in the target field (action).

If CUSTOMER SOURCE in the destination app has a field, it should not override this field, but the zap should update/add the other fields in the zap.

My current zap overrides (changes) the previous CUSTOMER SOURCE field.

I’m zapping from Webflow to ActiveCampaign.

Hey @EthanGlessich ,


Yes, its possible. You should use Filters and Paths to handle the business logic. 

  • To read about Filters, click here
  • To read about Paths, click here

Hi @EthanGlessich 

You will first need a find contact action to retrieve the details of the contact from AC. Then use paths or a filter to only let the zap continue if the customer source field is not set. 


@jayeshkumarbhatia & @GetUWired Thanks for the tips. It works.

Hi all!

I wanted to pop in and consolidate Jayesh and GetUWired answers into one. 🙂

This is achievable through the “Find Contact” action in Active Campaign! This will retrieve the contact details to which you can then use Filters and Paths to only continue if the customer source field is not set.