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Octoparse / Zapier Stops Triggering - Have to turn zap off then on to resolve

  • 17 November 2021
  • 1 reply

We started to use Octoparse (web scraper) on a regular schedule as a trigger. It works well, but every now and then stops actually triggering. The solution seems to be to turn off the zap and then back on again. After that, it will work for a while, but then stops again. Has anyone else seen this issue and know how to solve it?

Hi @DavidR 

Might be worth opening a ticket with Zapier Support for them to investigate further:

Also try checking the Zap Change History via the ( i ) icon on the Zap for clues as to why a Zap turns OFF.


About Octoparse's Integration

What kind of authentication does Octoparse use?

Octoparse uses Basic Authentication.

Do I need a paid Octoparse account to use Octoparse with Zapier?

You need a standard Octoparse plan or higher to use Octoparse with Zapier.

Do I need special account permissions in Octoparse to use Octoparse with Zapier?

There aren't any specific Octoparse account permissions to connect Octoparse to Zapier.

Are there any API token limits in Octoparse when I use Octoparse with Zapier?

No, there are no token limits when using Octoparse with Zapier.

Are there any webhook subscription limits in Octoparse when I use Octoparse with Zapier?

Octoparse doesn't have any webhook subscription limits when you use Octoparse with Zapier.

Are custom fields in Octoparse supported when I use Octoparse with Zapier?

No, Octoparse does not support custom fields.

Does Octoparse use real trigger samples from my Octoparse account?

Yes, Octoparse provides real trigger samples from your Octoparse account.

What kind of Octoparse hosted account can I use with Zapier?

Octoparse's Zapier integration supports cloud-hosted accounts only.

Connecting with Octoparse

When you create a Octoparse Zap, you'll be asked to log in to your Octoparse account.

Enter your Octoparse username and password to connect your Octoparse account.

If all steps were successful, your Octoparse account will be connected.