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Notion to Clockify - How to set hourly rate set billable hourly rate?

  • 24 March 2023
  • 1 reply

Hi Folks, 


so I made a ZAP that creates Clockify Project for Timeaccounting purposes in Notion. However I couldn’t find the option to set the hourly rate when choosing “Billable” yes. 


Does anyone have an Idea how to perform this action?

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @NNZYE, welcome to the Community!

Ah, it looks like it’s not currently possible to set a billable rate using the current Create Time Entry and Start Timer Clockify actions. I can’t see any existing feature requests for the ability to set the billable rate so I would recommend reaching out to our Support team in this instance so they can get a feature request opened on up your behalf.

In the meantime, I wonder if you could get the Zap to add a specific tag to note which billing rate should be applied. Then in Clockify, filter the tasks by the tags to set the rates in bulk. Not an ideal solution I know but would hopefully help to speed up the process of manually applying the rates somewhat.

Sorry to not have any further workarounds to suggest at the minute. If you’re able to find a better workaround for this please let us know!