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My one zap is set to trigger when the order status changes in Woocommerce. I changed one from ON HOLD to PROCESSING. Nothing happens hours later even though supposedly it’s supposed to be instant (that’s what the zap say anyway) or at least ever 15 min (I’m on the $19.99/mos Starter Plan). What am I not understanding about how this works? I changed the status but nothing happens. Is there some other trick I am supposed to know?

Hi @Spindoc!

Looks like you’ve got a great, in-depth, conversation going with our Support team and they’re helping you out with this! If you have any further questions you can reply to that thread :)

Hi @Spindoc - Be sure to circle back to your Community thread here to share this resolution with other members. Not only is it hugely helpful for folks, but you'll earn points and badges while climbing the leaderboard to achieve ⚡️Superuser⚡️ status! Thanks!

Hi @Spindoc ,

It sounds like mapping may have been the culprit here!

Mapping over the company name fields from WooCommerce (Shipping Company Name or Billing Company Name) will allow the Zap to pull in this information and trigger when an order status changes. Check out this article to learn more about mapping within your Zap!
