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When a new user is added to a Wordpress site a record is created in a Knack database. This record is accessed by an APP to verify the user. In the field for password I do not see the field to add the password field  to Knack. All other fields are available. 


The email field is Must Be Unique is checked for the email address, and that field is visible, and mapped to the database with no problems. It is the password filed that I can not locate in the Zap.

I will also reach out to the WordPress folks.

Mahalo for your response.

Hi @bhernco ,

Thanks for reaching out- happy to help!

In addition to the ID that is shown in the dropdown, in order for a field to appear there it must be either a field of the Number Auto-Increment type or a field that has the Must be unique box checked. Check out what this looks like in this integration article!

Could you take a look to see if your configuration includes one of the above field requirements? If it does and you are still having any trouble, just let us know and we’ll dig deeper!

Hi @bhernco! Are you saying that you want to record a WordPress user’s password to Knack? I’m not a security expert but that sounds pretty un-secure if passwords were provided unencrypted like that. Any particular reason you’d want to store user passwords in Knack, in plain text like that?


There is a selection to export the password (Encrypted) in a CSV file under the field name user_pass, When using a Zap to create a matching record in Knack, all fields are there to be mapped except user_pass. The goal is to allow users to log into the Knack Database using the WordPress credentials.

This is the problem I am trying to solve, my other option is to give them a reset password option on first login to Knack. 

Hi @bhernco 

Sorry we missed your reply! Did you get this sorted or do you still need some help?