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New Reaction Added trigger - using a custom value

  • 25 May 2021
  • 5 replies


I’m creating two Zaps that start from a new reaction added to a slack message. The 2 reactions I’m looking for are `👀` and `✅` 2 regular emojis. 

However I can’t seem to be able to set them up, I only can see the custom emojis and on the Custom tab I can type or select a thing despite it says select Use a Custom Value


What am I missing? I’ve attached 2 screenshots.



Do I need to just read all the reactions and filter them out?


Thank you

Hi @pssuils 

You can use custom values following the cheat sheet Slack has posted here: 


to watch for the eyes emoji. Select custom value then type in eyes. 

However, you cannot specify to watch for both eyes and white_check_mark in the same zap. If that is what you are needing you can either set up two zaps, one for eyes, and one for white_check_mark, or set up 1 zap to run on any react and then put a filter to check for either eyes or white_check_mark

Hi @GetUWired 

Thanks for the answer however I don’t know where or how I can introduce values from the cheat sheet.

On the Reaction tab only custom ones appear on the list to be selected and there’s no option to type something. And on the Custom option I can’t type a thing either. 

Am I missing something?

When you switch to Custom, you can click back into the ‘Reaction’ text block


Admittedly this had me confused as well yesterday for a similar action. The help text should read “There are no custom choices available, but you can type a custom value in the dropdown box above.”

Thanks both @GetUWired  and @jphorn definitely that got me really confused. I will try it out. I ended up doing a conditional depending on the value of the `reaction`