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New Post in Facebook Page to Word Press Page

  • 19 August 2024
  • 3 replies

If i do a new Post in my Facebook Page Timeline, i will see this Post with the pictres on a Side in my Word press homepage..  The new post in word press should be in all in one side, with a cool look sorted among each other. 


actualley i get a new side, bit there is no picture, and the Post looks terribel ;-) 

what shoul i write down in the  Action fields ?


Hi @Michael 1977 

Try formatting the images in HTML img tags:


okay, thats very complicatet. i dont know which part of the picture i take to the html generator, and which is for a text .


Hi @Michael 1977,

I agree with what Troy suggested. You will need to use HTML to properly format your WordPress posts. Please be aware that HTML is advanced, and our support is limited in that area. I suggest utilizing AI for help with HTML, and additionally, we have a directory of certified Zapier Experts who can provide assistance.

You can contact our Zapier Experts here:

Hopefully, this helps.
