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New Paid Order in Shopify - how to retrieve the product cost

  • 3 June 2021
  • 6 replies

Hi, I have created a Zap that sends an email to a supplier when a new paid order is created in shopify, I have created the email with all details apart from cost from the supplier, the cost is shown in the shopify listing, how do i pull the cost into the email to the supplier please? Sorry, new to this

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6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Tezza1976

Check out this related topic:


Badge +4

Hi @Tezza1976,

In the email step, click set up action, and in the body section, click where you want to add the price variable from the Shopify step. You can click the price variable coming from Shopify in the dropdown menu.

If you are unable to grab the data you want from the first step, you may be able to get the product name or ID which you could look up in another Shopify step to see more details like cost assuming you don’t have this data from the Shopify trigger.


Hope this helps!

Happy Zapping 👍🤓

Userlevel 1

Hi, thanks for your response, when I go to all the options to add from shopify though I only have the selling price to add which is not what I want to add to my email to my supplier! I need to grab the actual cost price which is in the shopify listing, this is the price I pay from my supplier, am I missing something, thanks

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

Hey @Tezza1976, I hope you’re doing well!

Was this using the New Paid Order trigger or using the Find Product action for Shopify?

Do you get the other price information related to the product using the Find Product action?

Searching for the product may allow you to pull in more information specifically related to that product. The order information is likely to have less specific details about the products involved since the data is more focused around the order being paid for.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Just wanted to follow up here as discovered that we’ve got an open feature request for the ability to obtain the cost of Shopify products with the New Paid Order and New Order triggers. I’ve added @Tezza1976’s vote for this so we’ll be in touch by email as soon as it’s implemented. 

In the meantime, if you’re able to get order notifications emailed to you which contain the cost then you could use a email parsing app (like Email Parser by Zapier) to trigger on the order email notifications instead and retrieve the price that way.  

For anyone that comes across this thread and would like to add their vote to this feature request please reach out to our Support Team. They can be contacted via the Get Help form and would be happy to add your vote for this! :)

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hey folks, 

Circling back in here to share that the feature request has been implemented. The team have recently released an update to add additional order and customer fields to the New Order and New Paid Order triggers - including the cost of the products ordered! 🎉

To take advantage of the updates to those triggers you’ll need to upgrade to the latest version of the Shopify app on Zapier. More details on how to do that can be found here: Update to the latest app version in Zaps

And if after upgrading you’re still unable to access the product cost, please do reach out in the Community or get in touch with Support. In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡