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Hey, I’m setting up the following automation:

New Labeled Email in Gmail → Create card in Trello

The “label” I’m using in the trigger is a custom label called “_To-do”. When I apply this label to a thread in my Gmail, it ends up creating a separate card in Trello for each message in the thread (so if the thread has 5 emails, it’ll create 5 cards in Trello).

Is there a way to limit this so that it only creates 1 card in Trello using the latest message in the thread, regardless of how many messages are in the thread?

Hi @Raahim 

Good question.

There doesn’t appear to be a data point available from Gmail that indicates the most recent messages in an email thread.

Instead, you may want to try this Zap trigger: Gmail - New Starred Email


Thanks, but the “two day” thing doesn’t work for me unfortunately. Do you have another work-around?