Hello, I am trying to create a new Excel spreadsheet every time an event is created in Eventbrite, and then when anyone registers, have them be added to the spreadsheet that matches the event’s name.
Currently, I can do these separate.
- Everytime I create an event, excel creates a spreadsheet.
- Once the event is created, I connect the event with the spreadsheet, so when someone registers, they are added to that spreadsheet.
I am trying to combine the tasks above so I don’t have to keep connecting events with spreadsheets everytime we have a new event.
Below is the error I am getting. I currently have the spreadsheet created and trying to connect a new registration with the new event. Notice I am using the name of the event from EventBrite in the “Spreadsheet” name as data is being pulled from anyone who registered from any event. I added the .xlsx because the file name would be the same.