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New Deal in Stage in HubSpot to Update Row in Google Sheets

Hello guys!

I’m trying to automatize a process in hubspot, where: everytime a deal change its stage to a specif one, it will send to Google Sheets.


BUT when I use ‘’New Deal in Stage in Hubspot” > “Google Sheets”, the deal doest not come with the information I need, so i create a new step

1 - New Deal in Stage in Hubspot

2 - Find Contatc (using Additional Properties To Retrieve with everything I need)

3 - Create a spreedsheat row in Google Sheets


But it does not work. I dont know what else can I do. Anyone with the same problem?



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Userlevel 7
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@Marketing AEVO 

Can you describe what is not working? Any desired behavior you are expecting but not experiencing? 
If you were looking to update a row in google sheets, you’ll need to include an action to find the row using some information returned from step 2. 


Also, make sure to fill out the properties to retrieve dropdown field so that you get all properties you are expecting back. 

The only other thing I would suggest, is to possible try using the deal id instead of the “first deal create date” field when searching

When I send a test it works, but when i convet im my website and create a deal in hubspot, change the status to ‘’reunião ocorrida’’ it doest not send to google sheets ):


This is the test:


Also the data come in a different format, but I also used the date/time convert