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New Calendly version - no cancellation reason and more

  • 1 August 2024
  • 2 replies

It seems that Calendly recently updated their Zapier app. With the old one, I used the fields ‘Old Event Canceled’ (Boolean), ‘Old Event Canceler Name’, and ‘Old Event Cancel Reason’.

With the new one, I can just barely find a workaround for ‘old event cancelled’: The field ‘Old Invitee URI’ is empty for original events, but has a URL for rescheduled events.

I find no workaround for finding the cancellation reason, which is important information. Does anybody have a clue for how to get this information with the new version? Or some workaround?

Hi @Sigurdur130 

Try using this Zap trigger: Calendly - Invitee Canceled



Thanks for the answer, @Troy Tessalone. I guess that after this update I need to split my old workflow into two different Zaps, one for ‘new invitee’ and another for ‘invitee cancelled’.
