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I am attempting to set up a Zap to add a tag and subscriber information to ConvertKit after making a purchase through Stripe using specific products or product amounts:


Purchase at $247 & $239 

Add Email Address, First & Last Name + Tag to ConvertKit


I’m struggling…. Someone please help!

Hi @kavsquires 

Good question.

Please share detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in order for us to have more context, thanks.

Hello @kavsquires  You have to create Paths for each product variant you have based on price with a filter for each. Later when you add the subscriber with email and other info inside Convertkit you have to add the respective tags

Hey there, @kavsquires!

Were you able to get things working using Satya09’s suggestion of setting up different Paths for each product variant? Eager to make sure you’re all set here so please let us know if you’re still getting stuck here! 🙂