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Need to create 2 contacts in Zipforms from Chime

I can create a contact in Zipforms with a Zap, but I am often dealing with a couple. How do I get the second contact in through the Zap?

I’m using Chime as my source, and it groups couples into one contact record and puts the spouse in a “family” section where it holds their name and email address. 

Is it possible to create a path that says “If there is one person create one contact” and “if there are two, create two”

That sounds interesting but I don’t know how to create that “if” statement. I see the “path” option but it just says option a and option b, but I don’t see how to ask it to see how many contacts there are. And even if, the options it gives are just to go to different aps, not to create two contacts in zipforms. 

You will need to use something in the trigger which tells you whether there is two, and then use the logic in each path “Only continue if X is met”

If you click into the path, you can set up the conditions under which it will run. In this case you’ll need to look at the information from from Chime to see if there is something that tells you how many contacts there are. For example, is there a field that says ‘couple’? If there is then you would set up one path to continue if it says ‘couple’ and one path to continue if it doesn’t. 


For the next steps in path, in the one that has ‘couple’ you would add two zipForm Plus Create Contact steps (so that it creates two contacts). And for the path where theres’ only one contact, you would only need one Create Contact step. 

Thanks, but that doesn’t solve the issue. Chime isn’t releasing the 2nd contact’s info to Zapier.

Hi @bsharp - sorry I misunderstood there and thanks for the clarification. 


It sounds like we’ll need to have someone from the Support Team to take a closer look at this so that we can see if it’s something that you can find/work with or if we’ll need to submit a feature request to Chime. I’ve passed this thread on to the Support Team and someone will be in touch via email as soon as possible. 

Hi @bsharp ,

Circling back here to share Support’s response regarding the second set of contact details from Chime as we are not currently receiving them. As Support mentioned, we do have an open request with the development team to add these fields.

You have been added to that request, which does the following:

--- Raises the issue with the app’s team
--- Gives us a place to track user interest on our end
--- Reminds us to notify you once this becomes available

I know that’s not the answer you were hoping for but please let us know if you have any additional questions- always happy to help!
