I am working on a script for where I want to pass order information. I am supporting up to three order items. The issue is if there is only one order item, blank values are still being passed for the two other items, creating blank rows. Here is what I have so far:
const options = {
url: 'https://edapi.campaigner.com/v1/Orders',
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'X-API-KEY': bundle.authData.ApiKey
params: {
'ApiKey': bundle.authData.ApiKey
body: {
'EmailAddress': bundle.inputData.EmailAddress,
'OrderNumber': bundle.inputData.OrderNumber,
'PurchaseDate': bundle.inputData.PurchaseDate,
'TotalAmount': bundle.inputData.TotalAmount,
{"ProductName": bundle.inputData.ProductName,
"SKU": bundle.inputData.SKU2,
"Quantity": bundle.inputData.Quantity,
"UnitPrice": bundle.inputData.UnitPrice,
"Status": bundle.inputData.Status},
{"ProductName": bundle.inputData.ProductName2,
"SKU": bundle.inputData.SKU2,
"Quantity": bundle.inputData.Quantity2,
"UnitPrice": bundle.inputData.UnitPrice2,
"Status": bundle.inputData.Status2},
{"ProductName": bundle.inputData.ProductName3,
"SKU": bundle.inputData.SKU3,
"Quantity": bundle.inputData.Quantity3,
"UnitPrice": bundle.inputData.UnitPrice3,
"Status": bundle.inputData.Status2},
return z.request(options)
.then((response) => {
const results = response.json;
// You can do any parsing you need for results here before returning them
return results;
I am thinking that I need an if statement of maybe or something?