Hey @codetycon, great question! We actually have an Experts Program for consultants/agencies that are using Zapier with their clients. Upon acceptance into that program, we have an MVP of client management functionality that you can try out with some special pricing. That will allow you to manage separate, paid client plans under your account. If you're interested, feel free to check the requirements and apply, here: https://zapier.com/experts/program
Otherwise, you can sign-up for a team account and invite your clients but there won't be privacy/separate billing between clients.
Hope that helps to point you in the right direction!
Thanks @jesse for the answers. Is there any demo available for MVP?
@codetycon we don't at the moment as this is an MVP that currently isn't being worked on by our team but should this change in the future, we can definitely look into offering a demo of this kind of functionality. 🙂 The best way to describe how this works in the interim is to imagine you're on a team account and you can add additional teams, only those teams respect regular pricing; you aren't forced to upgrade each additional account to a teams plan.
Hope that helps provide a bit of clarity in the meantime!