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I have just started with zaps as I have a small business and need more time for more important tasks 🙂
It would be good to get this working by the end of the week, then I will have a lot of orders coming in, and it would make my life much easier!

I have done a zap that automatically does the customer for me, that far I have got it to work out. 
But to make it eaven more easy I would like to get the orders transfered into Visma, that is where i fall short!
 I now payed for a year so I really need it to work out for me 😉

I tried yesterday to do a order zap but did not got it to work, see attached screenshots. 
Mabe I am doing it compleatly wrong, then pleas help me!
I many times have many order rows, but i dont understand how to do it and have not found a good guide how to do it. So any help would be great!
I found a guy doing a similar thing on Youtobe with Fortnox, that is what I want to do right now, but its a bit different in Fortnox and Visma so I cant follow it compleatly, he is doing loops.
Please advice!

I dont know if should choose order or draft order in the Zap.
​​​​​​​I would like to double check the orders because I have different ways to pay, and everyone that pays with shopify pay gets converted to euro in the payout, and that makes it not so good if the currency in the invoice is as in the order the customer makes if its not originally in euros.
 That makes it impossible to match in Visma later on. So right now i have to correct the currencys manually before I send the incoice/receipt.
Mabe it could be fixed by a zap later on, but thats not top priority, I am glad if the order lines and price transferred for now.

Thanks Gordon


I have put som more hours into it, and may have come a little bit. But I cant get Zapier to create products in Visma. I tested with very basic spelling and all required fields filled in, but it dont work. Is a work around to do it manually? It seems not that good.
I may have mised something basic, then please tell me.

I also have problem with how to do the Sales invoice draft.
I think I have come almost there, but I am not sure if i should use the looping inside the sales invoice draft this way. I think i have to alter the product lines to get it working better too, they may be too long. 
And i am not sure if this works with multiple item orders.
But i guess I will never get it working if I must do all the articles manually.

Help would be nice, I think it is not so easy to do much more now 😓


Hi @GordonE Let’s tackle this bit by bit. For the “Create Article”, you have to input the “unitID” and “CodingId” according to the API docs of Visma, may I ask if you did that in the Zapier step?

UnitID is used to reference the specific unit of measurement associated with an article

CodingID is linking the article to a specific accounting or inventory category

Not sure if those fields are available in the Zapier fields as the screenshot was a bit cut off. 


Hi @GordonE Let’s tackle this bit by bit. For the “Create Article”, you have to input the “unitID” and “CodingId” according to the API docs of Visma, may I ask if you did that in the Zapier step?

UnitID is used to reference the specific unit of measurement associated with an article

CodingID is linking the article to a specific accounting or inventory category

Not sure if those fields are available in the Zapier fields as the screenshot was a bit cut off. 


Thanks Fiona, 
No other fields are left blank. There are no fields for unitID or CodingID in my Zapier,
I have the Swedish version of Visma e-conomic if that makes a differance.

For this screenshot, the Article required field should be the ArticleID, did you try that?



Hi, Thanks,
I corrected and now got a similar looking code that appers when I try to do a new article. So one step forward.
I also tried to set all values to fixed numbers and time without the +02:00 after and nothing helps.
I also tried a existin customer number from viama, but it does not work.

But I actually found a new article I guess I did with a zap yesterday in Visma, so I guess it will be possible.

Any more suggestions? 
Can I have done anything wrong in the other steps that affects this?


I have now suceeded with transfering all webshop products into Visma with the following zaps in the picture.
I guess the articles must be created in Visma first with matching numbers with Shopify to do a sales invoice.
So that far is the progress now. 
Note: The english translation does not get transfered to Visma and the VAT type is not correct either. Vat type is expedition vat not goods VAT.

Next step I think would be to do a Sales invoice draft? I tried in various ways but unsucsessful so far.
Does that seem correct?

Its very strange that this “Find or create Article in Visma” Zap works, but i guess the mapping is not 100% same as the as the create article in Visma zap that does give a fault message.

Thanks Gordon

Hi @GordonE,

It looks like you’ve reached out to our Support Team about this and they replied yesterday with a suggestion. I’ll share details of the suggestion here in case it’s helpful:

I'm glad to hear that the previous issue was resolved. Now, onto your new query about adding shipping and VAT. Currently, none of the actions in your current workflow have shipping fields, which might require a feature request.
To better understand your needs, could you please provide a screenshot of where you add shipping details in Visma? This will help me determine whether these details are added to the invoice or under the articles, or even somewhere else.
Moreover, I noticed there's a Reversed Construction Services Vat Free field in the final Create Sales Invoice Draft action that accepts true or false. There's also a Taxes Included field available in the Shopify trigger that returns true or false. Could this be what you're referencing when asking about how to determine if fixed tax needs to be used or not? 
(view larger)
Thank you for your help! Looking forward to your reply.

If you’ve got any questions regarding their suggestion it would be best to continue the conversation with them over email. If you can’t locate their reply I’d recommend searching your spam/junk folder or searching your inbox for any emails from in case. Sometimes their emails can end up in the spam/junk folder by accident.