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Need help looping google calendar invites

  • 23 July 2021
  • 4 replies

Hey thanks for your help. 

I’m having trouble with the looping zap. i created a looping zap to automatically send a client 16 weeks of calendar invites. It’s set up properly but after it sends, it also cancels the invites and some of the calendar days dont show up. can anyone help?

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4 replies

sometimes the zap errors and says “ “The app returned "Rate Limit Exceeded". “. dont know what todo!


Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @Des123!

I see that you’ve written to our Support team and they have responded with some directions and also some questions. Your best bet is likely to continue the conversation there, since they’re able to dig into your Zaps and error logs :)

i fixed it and got it working. The issue now is, it cancels the events after it sends the invites 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hey @Des123,

Glad to hear you were able to get that “Rate Limit Exceeded” error sorted. It looks like our Support Team are still working with you on the issue of the events being cancelled. So it would be best to carry on working with them on that directly.

If you wouldn’t mind and do get this solved, we’d love for you to share the answer with the Community here. That way others can benefit from the answer too. Thanks! :)