
MySQL to Google Sheets

  • 24 October 2020
  • 3 replies



I hope everyone is well. I have linked my MySql database to Google Sheets. It works fine except for the date fields. The date field, for example ‘03/04/2020’ shows as ‘1583272800’ on the Google Sheet.


Any assistance would be appreciated.


Thank you

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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

That can be addressed a few ways.

The date format you’re seeing is a UNIX timestamp:


You can adjust the formatting of the column in the GSheet to the desired date format.

Location: Top nav bar > Format


You can add a formula in the GSheet step for the field to set the format of the date.



You can add a Formatter step in the Zap to set the format of the date to MM/DD/YYYY

App: Formatter > Date/Time > Format

You can also solve this by converting the UNIX time to datetime in the mysql query itself. You can cast unix time to datetime by using the FROM_UNIXTIME() function



SELECT coumn1, column2 FROM_UNIXTIME(column3_date) FROM table

Thank you guys, I appreciate it. Problem solved!