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I am creating a zap from Insightly CRM. None of the multi-select fields in Insightly are coming into Zapier. Is the only way around this API?

Hi @ErinM ,

Thanks for reaching out!

I see that Bryce in Support was able to look at Insightly’s documentation to see about custom fields and will be following up with you if they receive an update from the Insightly team confirming if this is possible via their API. 

Let us know if you have any additional questions!


why not post what the solution was for others?

Hi @ladybones ,

There is an open feature request for this functionality outside of API as it does not currently exist.

The reply above regarding Bryce’s response is in reference to whether Insightly’s API could possibly support using multi-select fields. Our team has asked the Insightly team if this is possible, which is the response the original poster (Erin) is awaiting. 

Apologies for any confusion in the original response- please let us know if you would like to be added to the feature request for this functionality and we will happily add you!