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Hi Team,

I am new to Zap and trying to configure simple scenario. My goal is reply all when new email comes into gmail account. Add PDF attachment from google drive while replying back. Here is what i did.

Added a trigger searching new email with domain in Inbox only

Added Action to attach PDF from google drive

Added another action to reply back.

The workflow is working fine. The issues I have:

  1. The replies are sent multiple times (with 2 mins interval), keep on sending
  2. The thread mapping is changing the subject line while replying back, it is adding subject of thread which is mapped to. But, I don’t want to map it to a predefine thread as I don’t know what would be the subject of new email. But, I know domain name and user email IDs who send emails. This add confusion to end user when they get reply back with different subject name

Appreciate your help greatly.

Hi @santoshk,

It seems your zap is looping, it happens because:

  • Firstly, zapier triggers when your gmail receives email from
  • Secondly, when zapier replies to the thread, it somehow also newly appears again in the inbox (it can be confirmation message like “we have received your message, we will contact you”
  • So, zapier then again takes the email > sends a reply > it again appears in the inbox …..

To manually check that if this is causing the issue, go to your gmail inbox type the search you configured in Zapier and monitor if anything new appears after first trigger

To prevent the looping issue, you can refer to this page:

In your case that can be:

  • Add a unique email address in the CC when configuring email reply setting in Zapier
  • At the 2nd action, add a filter to halt the zap when email contains that CC.

Rob @ you are right about the loop, more than 60+ messages are added. Is it because I had email address in CC as well? 

As you suggested, will add another unique address with different domain.

But, couldn't understand filter to halt the zap. Can you please provide some screen shot.

Appreciate your help !!






So after the Gmail step, add the filter step like this

 Also make sure to do this as well:

So that new replied emails do not trigger again. Your CC may need to be a valid email. 

More easily, you can remove your current CC and see if it works as expected (not looping).

Consider hitting 👍 if this resolves your issue.