We’ve successfully create simple Zaps that allow Donations made to a specific Campaign in PledgeIt be associated with the corresponding campaign in Salesforce. Now we need to create a more complex, multi-step process that allows Child Campaigns to be created in Salesforce and also have donations accurately tied to that child campaign. Here is a very specific rundown:
For a few of our campaigns in PledgeIt for Charities, we are encouraging users to do the following:
- Donate directly to this Campaign.
- These donations would subsequently added as opportunities in Salesforce to the corresponding Campaign record.
- Create a Child Campaign to personally drive donations.
- A Child campaign would need to be created in Salesforce and associated with the parent Campaign.
- The Child campaign would need to then accept donations via it’s own PledgeIt for Charities page.
- These donations would need to be created as opportunities in Salesforce, and associated with the source child campaign.
For step 2, I’m having a few challenges with the logic needed to capture and use the newly created campaign data for future donations. To note, the parent campaign can have multiple child campaigns associated to it, and each child will receive it’s own donations. I’ve been using Canvas to help design the process flow (https://zapier.com/app/canvas/public/7a4165a3-9823-4705-8b67-e931af6e30b6).
I’m assuming that I will need to create a table to capture each child campaign that is created in Salesforce. Then, once the Campaign is created, I would need to use a query to populate a different table with the Campaign information, associated PledgeIt Campaign ID and Salesforce Campaign ID. As donations come in, the Zap would first check for the correct PledgeIt Campaign ID, and then create the opportunity and tie it to the associated Salesforce Campaign ID from the table. Is this possible?
Could I get some 1:1 assistance in finishing the logic, so that I may complete the Zaps and launch this as quickly as possible. I am working with a timeline of due Friday EOD.