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We’ve successfully create simple Zaps that allow Donations made to a specific Campaign in PledgeIt be associated with the corresponding campaign in Salesforce. Now we need to create a more complex, multi-step process that allows Child Campaigns to be created in Salesforce and also have donations accurately tied to that child campaign. Here is a very specific rundown:


For a few of our campaigns in PledgeIt for Charities, we are encouraging users to do the following:

  1. Donate directly to this Campaign.
    1. These donations would subsequently added as opportunities in Salesforce to the corresponding Campaign record.
  2. Create a Child Campaign to personally drive donations. 
    1. A Child campaign would need to be created in Salesforce and associated with the parent Campaign.
    2. The Child campaign would need to then accept donations via it’s own PledgeIt for Charities page.
    3. These donations would need to be created as opportunities in Salesforce, and associated with the source child campaign.

For step 2, I’m having a few challenges with the logic needed to capture and use the newly created campaign data for future donations. To note, the parent campaign can have multiple child campaigns associated to it, and each child will receive it’s own donations. I’ve been using Canvas to help design the process flow ( 


I’m assuming that I will need to create a table to capture each child campaign that is created in Salesforce. Then, once the Campaign is created, I would need to use a query to populate a different table with the Campaign information, associated PledgeIt Campaign ID and Salesforce Campaign ID. As donations come in, the Zap would first check for the correct PledgeIt Campaign ID, and then create the opportunity and tie it to the associated Salesforce Campaign ID from the table. Is this possible?


Could I get some 1:1 assistance in finishing the logic, so that I may complete the Zaps and launch this as quickly as possible. I am working with a timeline of due Friday EOD.

Hi @KayYow Integrator, welcome to the Community! 🎉

For this it looks like you’d need to trigger a Zap when a child campaign is created so that this information can be passed to the table, but I’m not seeing any such trigger available for the PledgeIt for Charities app on Zapier. I’d suggest contacting our Support team to submit a new feature request for that to be added. That will flag the need for this type of trigger to the app’s developers. You can submit a feature request here: 

In the meantime, do you happen to get email notifications from PledgeIt when a new child campaign is added?

If you do, then as a workaround you could set up an automatic forwarding rule in your email account to forward those emails to an app like Email Parser. Then you’d use Email Parser as the Zap’s trigger so that you can pass the information over to the table and then have a Zap create the child campaign record in Salesforce. See: Trigger Zaps from new parsed emails for details.

Do you think that approach might work or would you not receive an email notification when a child campaign is added in PledgeIt?

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Hi Sam,


Thank you for your suggestions. I will reach out to the Dev team to ask for that enhancement asap. Maybe you can help me with the other side of this process as well.

I am thinking I would need 2 zaps in total. I would need a Zap to happen when a child campaign is created in PledgeIt and then have it created in Salesforce. Then once that campaign is “live” in PledgeIt, I need another zap to run every time a donation is made to that child campaign. Where the logic gets really funky is: multiple child campaigns can be created for 1 overarching campaign, and each of those child campaigns can receive lots of donations. 

Could I use a table to capture each child campaign w/columns that show the corresponding PledgeIt ID and Salesforce ID for those campaigns to ensure that donations are attached to the correct campaign in Salesforce? i.e. A donation from PledgeIt hits the zap, it’s associated PledgeIt Campaign ID is matched from the table, and the corresponding Salesforce Campaign ID is used to create the donation/opportunity record in Salesforce. Is this possible?

Thanks for getting back to me @KayYow Integrator.

Could I use a table to capture each child campaign w/columns that show the corresponding PledgeIt ID and Salesforce ID for those campaigns to ensure that donations are attached to the correct campaign in Salesforce? i.e. A donation from PledgeIt hits the zap, it’s associated PledgeIt Campaign ID is matched from the table, and the corresponding Salesforce Campaign ID is used to create the donation/opportunity record in Salesforce. Is this possible?

Yes, if you get the IDs for the parent campaign as well as the child campaign then you could store those values in separate columns in the table, along with the corresponding Salesforce campaign IDs as well. Then, when a donation is made a Zap could search the table for the PledgeIt child campaign ID and retrieve the relevant parent ID and corresponding Salesforce Campaign IDs (along with any other information stored for that table record) for it to user when creating the donation record in Salesforce.

Hope that helps. If you run into any issues on that do let us know, happy to assist further! 🙂
