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Hi, need to set up a very simple routine: move any file uploaded from one GDrive folder (opened to anyone within the company domain) to another folder (shared with selected people). It may be any file: PDF, Word, RTF, image, etc. - just trying to understand how to automate this simple task.

Thanks a million!! 

Hi @Ilya 

Good question.

Try these Zap steps:


Thanks, Troy, appreciate your quick reaction. 

I tried, but certain bits are confusing to a newcomer...

In the test trigger Zapier reports that it founds a new file in Folder C - no idea what Folder C is. I indicated a specific folder on google drive to check for new files, but it is not named Folder C. 



In the Action tab, Zap requires me to set up action and for that I shall pick the file. But I’d like to grab any file landed into the designated folder. Is there eany file] operator to use / apply? 


Tried this one, but it returns an error 




Help articles about Zap Basics:


The examples returned are from the designated folder you selected as part of the Zap trigger step.


What is the encountered error on the Zap action step?

Best to provide screenshots of the error and how the Zap step is fully configured.

Thanks, Troy. The task I am trying to automate is to have a one shared corporate folder available to anyone within the corporate account to save files and once any file is there to move it from the public folder to non public folder for further processing and adding into Notion database. 

What I’ve done so far (Step by step):

  1. I set the trigger as “New File in Folder” and indicated my corporate google drive and specific folder, named “X”. When I did the test, it worked and said that Zap found a new file in folder “A” (not folder “X” as I named it - this is the first thing confused me). 
  2. The next step is “Action” where I set “Move file” operator and set the destination folder as “Z”. Here Zap requires me to set “File” value before I proceed. I tried “1. File: (exists but not shown”) from the drop down menu, assuming that it will pick up any files from the initial folder X. But it fails.

I dinged through the community and see that I need to add some “File ID” from google drive to make it work, but my idea was to apply this Zap to ANY file landed in folder X, not specific files.

Thanks a million for your help!! Kudos!  



Try mapping the File ID from step 1, instead of the file object.


Sorry for being so slow, but how to map the file ID? And massively appreciate that you invest your time into educating newcomers. Kudos to you, Troy! 


Same as you’ve mapped the File from step 1, instead map the file ID variable.


Hi @Ilya - checking in with your progress, I know that mapping stuff for the first few times can be tricky business! Please do let Troy or our team know if you run into any other issues in setting up your Zap. 

@troy, thanks! 😓 but how to find this “file ID” variable?? I’ve got this drop down menu - there is no “File ID”… Feel like Zapier is for much more advanced users than me… 


Hi @Ilya - checking in with your progress, I know that mapping stuff for the first few times can be tricky business! Please do let Troy or our team know if you run into any other issues in setting up your Zap. 

hi, is there any simple guide on how to do the mapping? it will help immensely!!


Try mapping the File ID from step 1, instead of the file object.


but how?? ;(( feel hopeless… 

In the drop-down menu there is no “File ID” option and existing “ID” seems to refer to a specific file and not to ANY file as I need...


I finally managed to resolve it. Will write a step by step guide for newcomers and publish it here. Thanks @Troy!