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I have a JotForm delivering data into an excel sheet.
The excel sheet has multiple sets of columns that represent different products.  For example Column A-F are contact info, Column G-K are product 1, Column L-P are product 2 etc.

I want to update a sheet to have 2 row, each with data from A-F and then G-K and a different row A-F and L-P.

Any suggestions?

I figured out how to do it!  

If this interests you let me know and I will share.



Hi @Davidh88, that’s great nice work 🙌


We’d love to know the solution if you’re able to share it 🙂

2 zaps

I created two tabs in a worksheet.

Zap 1: The first tabs collects all the data in from a jotform submission and is simple field mapping.

Zap 2: Is triggered on the row being updated.  It is a series of filter | Create Row steps.
When the row is updated following Zap 1, Zap 2 moved data from the columns in tab 1 into a new row in sheet 2.  Then a filter checks if data in a column in Sheets 1.  if exists it runs a task which creates a row and maps the second series of columns in sheet 1 to the columns in the new row in tab 2. 
Then a filter looking for existence of data in sheets 1 column set 3…

I have 5 sets of column data so I just repeat this set of 2 tasks.


I will consolidate this into a single zap with 9 tasks.

That’s brilliant! Nice work and thanks for sharing that with us 🙂