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Hello, I hope you are having a great day.

The reason for this post is to request help with my next mini project.

I need to automate the following process:

When creating a row in G sheets, a folder should be generated, inside that folder another gsheets should be copied.

The problems I am having, are that:

1)A folder is created even if the row is empty, the idea would be that it would create a folder in those rows that an analyst completes.
2) The new G sheets that I try to copy are not inserted into each folder created, instead they stay in the same location.


Hi @thefval 

Please post screenshots with how your Zap steps are currently configured.

You’ll need to map, via the ‘custom’ option, the GDrive Folder ID to the GDrive Copy File step in order to put the copied file in the desired GDrive Folder.

Check out this help article: