Modern Slavery Act

  • 27 November 2020
  • 5 replies

Does anyone know if Zapier complies with the modern slavery act? 

steph.n 3 years ago

Hi @StephanieNivo, our legal team has provided a response below:

Based on the revenue requirements for compliance under the UK Modern Slavery Act, Zapier’s UK subsidiary does not fall under the reporting obligation. However, Zapier fully supports the UK Modern Slavery Act and will review and consider voluntary reporting on a worldwide basis.

Please let us know if you have any further questions!

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I’ve flagged this so someone from Zapier staff can answer.

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Hi @StephanieNivo - This looks to be a UK specific act. Could you clarify what specifically the concern is? I’m unclear what you mean.

You may find out our full legal terms and policies here: Thanks!

Hi @steph.n, it’s part of our supplier due diligence. Hope this helps:

In 2015, the Modern Slavery Act introduced the obligation on certain businesses to publish an annual modern slavery and human trafficking statement. The aim of the statement is to encourage businesses to tackle issues of forced labour and human trafficking within their business and supply chains.

If Zapier doesn’t comply, we don’t comply and it impacts us using certain tools and partnering with certain companies. 

Userlevel 7
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@StephanieNivo - Fair. I’ve raised this concern to our legal department for further clarification. Thanks!

Userlevel 7
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Hi @StephanieNivo, our legal team has provided a response below:

Based on the revenue requirements for compliance under the UK Modern Slavery Act, Zapier’s UK subsidiary does not fall under the reporting obligation. However, Zapier fully supports the UK Modern Slavery Act and will review and consider voluntary reporting on a worldwide basis.

Please let us know if you have any further questions!