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missing groups while Connecting to Active Trail

  • 22 March 2020
  • 2 replies


So, I am trying to push data to ActiveTrail via Zapier. i want to select a specific group from the dropdown menu but I am getting only few of the groups in that account.

when selecting load more nothing changes.

I have 57 groups in ActiveTrail but seeing only 20 groups in Zapier.

thank you in advance,


Hi @NirSh Thanks for your question and I’m sorry that you’re having some trouble with your ActiveTrail Zap. 


This is a bug that we know about with the ActiveTrail, where only 20 groups are showing in the dropdown list.  I've added you as an affected user on the issue report, which lets the ActiveTrail team know how many users have been affected and also means that we will send you an email if we have an update on this.


In the mean time, are you able to get the ID of the group(s) that you need from ActiveTrail? If you can, then you can use the ID as a custom value. Here’s what the group ID looks like:

(View image larger)


When you have the ID, go back to the Zap and select the ‘Custom’ option in the Group name field. Add the group ID in that field. 

(View image larger)


​I hope that helps, please let me know if you have any questions!

Hey there, friends! I wanted to swing by and post a belated update that this bug was recently resolved. 🎉

You should be able to pull all groups in ActiveTrail. If you’re still having trouble, feel free to shoot our support team an email here.

Thanks so much!