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I have recently started working with Zapier and am really impressed so far. I am trying to set up a handful of simple bots integrating Google Sheets with Discord. I am looking to tag specific users in particular. I have seen that some users have been able to do this.

When selecting the message text field, I get data suggestions for Sheets but not Discord. Image below. How do I resolve this? Is user tagging not supported for sending channel messages?

Hi @Lothiredon!

Thanks for the question - looks like mentioning specific users in Discord channel messages is not available functionality yet. We have an open feature request for that and I’ve added your vote! We’ll let you know by email if that becomes available and we’ll be sharing any updates to the main thread we have open for this, here: 

In the meantime, mentioning @everyone in the channel has been working as an option!


Thanks Marina!

Hi @Lothiredon!

Thanks for the question - looks like mentioning specific users in Discord channel messages is not available functionality yet. We have an open feature request for that and I’ve added your vote! We’ll let you know by email if that becomes available.

In the meantime, mentioning @everyone in the channel has been working as an option!


Hi @MarinaH, just coming back to this - I don’t seem to be able to select @everyone in the data picker using message text either. The only options showing up are for Google Sheets. Any clues as to why?

Best regards,


Great news! Being able to “@” mention users is now supported! More info, here: