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I need to add the last name field to the mapping in my Infusionsoft by Keap to Kajabi zaps. I can’t find where to add the last name field so it shows on the actions. Help. 

Can you clarify where you’re trying to see/add the Last Name field in your Zap?

Perhaps provide screenshots.

Hey there @OYM If you have the full name to work with, you can use the Text formatter step called “Split Text”. This will allow you to turn names like 

John Smith into 1. John 2. Smith

Which means you can then pass the surname into subsequent steps within your zap.

Here’s some more information on Split text:

So what I’m trying to do is have the first and last name from Infusionsoft zap into Kajabi. So i don’t think “Split Text” is the answer. First and last name are separate fields in Infusionsoft and I’d like to map each separate field into Kajabi. Is that possible? I would have thought that I’d have the option to pick the fields from Infusionsoft to map, especially one like a name field.


Hey @OYM,

I think what you are trying to accomplish is for sure possible. Can you please share screenshots of both of the Setups in Zapier. Ideally, it shows also the different available fields.

Have a look here for a description of both tools:



Maybe this helps already but feel free to post some screenshot and I can help further :)

Hey @OYM we just wanted to check in here! Are you still needing help or were you able to get things working? If the ladder, we’d love to hear more about how you solved this!