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I’m attempting to create a JIRA ticket from a Google Form.

In the Google Form, I have the user select the Priority of the ticket using a Multiple Choice field (see Image1); however, the zap attempts to create a Jira ticket with a Priority using the text string selected.  The JIRA issue creation process is expecting a numeric value for Priority.  Since I do not want my users selecting a number (10000, 5, 4, etc.) for the Priority, how can I map the text selection to the number necessary for Jira issue creation?

Priority selection in Zapier “set up action” section
Error received since JIRA is expecting a numeric value for Priority field


Hi @djairship ,

Great question. You can either do this with:

  1. A “Formatter by Zapier” action 
  2. A code action with some javascript in it for example.

The fastest way is to use the Zapier formatter → Utilities → Lookup Table. In here you can make a table which maps each item to a new different item. See below.

Hope this helps you. Please let me know!

~Bjorn from Wemakefuture

Thanks @Wemakefuture!  The problem now is that the JIRA item is being created before the formatter can make the change.  I think this is happening because I’m using two different zaps to accomplish 1. the formatter and 2. the JIRA ticket creation.  If I upgrade to a paid account, I can add more than one action to my zaps.  So, I’m thinking that once I do that, I will combine the actions into one zap that will format the fields and then create the JIRA ticket.  Do you think that will work?

Hi @djairship!

I think that would definitely help with your problem 🙂 By adding the actions into a single Zap you can define the order in which those should happen. When you have separate Zaps, you can’t *really* control which one will trigger first, unfortunately.