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ManageEngine ServiceDesk incident description missing

  • 29 September 2021
  • 5 replies

When setting up a ZAP to push data from Manage Engine Service Desk to Azure DevOps, the Incident Description from Manage Engine doesn’t appear to be an available field in the Action Event to send in the Incident Description into a Azure Devops User Story. Is there a way to get this field in Zapier? Is this field restricted because of the Trial?  

I am currently trialing the software. If this isn’t possible we are probably going the route of using Manage Engine’s API to pull it and upload to Azure ourselves. Hoping Zapier can get this field.  Any help\tips would be appreciated.

Best answer by Troy Tessalone


Perhaps you can post screenshots to clarify what interface you are using.

If you are using the Zap Editor there is the Find Request action available.


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Troy Tessalone

Hi @DonI 

Unfortunately the ManageEngine ServiceDesk Zap app integration doesn’t have any Help articles available.

Probably best to open a ticket with Zapier Support for further assistance:


FYI: Most Zap apps are created and maintained by the app developer on the Zapier Platform, rather than being managed by Zapier, so might be best to reach out to the app developer with this feature request if it’s not available after consulting with Zapier Support.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • September 30, 2021

Hey @DonI, welcome to the Community! :)

I’ve been doing some checking on this and discovered that there’s a bug report open for an issue of the description field not coming through. I’ve added you to the list of users affected by this issue. We’ll be in touch as soon as it’s been resolved by the app’s developers.

In the meantime, it may be worth adding a Find Request search action to the Zap to see if that’s able to pull in the description from ManageEngine ServiceDesk for the incident. Hopefully that will do the trick for the time being!

  • New
  • September 30, 2021

The Find Request Action was not available in the ZAP Dashboard. It looks to be available in the Platform UI though. I am not clear as to the difference between these 2 views. Can you explain the differences? The Platform looks to have more functionality for securing the flows, but the Dashboard (much more simple) is drag an drop for the most part. Also, would I need to start over if I go to the UI Platform?

Troy Tessalone


Perhaps you can post screenshots to clarify what interface you are using.

If you are using the Zap Editor there is the Find Request action available.


  • New
  • September 30, 2021

@Troy Tessalone , 


Thanks, I am using the ZAP Editor for proof of concept. I don’t know how I missed that. I am using the create and update already, but somehow missed the find request at the bottom. :rolling_eyes:  

The Find Request seems to work for now. It used an additional action, but that is ok until the bug is fixed.

Definitely a time saver.