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MailChimp not pulling Last Name field from Airtable

  • 26 November 2020
  • 1 reply

Working on a Zap that updates my Mailchimp audience based on changes made in Airtable. However, I’m having trouble populating the Mailchimp “Last Name” field as it doesn’t seem to want to pull the info from Airtable.

First Name, Email Address, Phone Number… all work fine. It’s just Last Name for some reason. As you can see in the screenshot, when I select “Student Last Name” from the dropdown of available Airtable items, it gets sent to Mailchimp as {{106089851_Student Last Name}}. 

I tested with several Airtable entries, and even deleted and re-added the MailChimp step to the Zap but the issue persists. Thoughts? 


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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Did you try to pull in new data from step 1?


I assume you changed the name of the column after the first data pulling.