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I am trying to send a mail merge through a Streak pipeline to multiple email addresses within one email thread. The way streak typically sends mail merges is to include all email addresses in the TO column and every recipient receives an individual email thread. However, I want to create a CC column in my pipeline so that additional email addresses will be placed in the CC box when composing the email so that one email thread will be sent to all recipients on the email and everyone can respond to the same thread. I don’t know how to create this trigger > action sequence or if it is even possible. Does anyone have any experience or any ideas to build this specific task? Thank you!  

Hey @katejg! Thanks for taking the time to outline the workflow you’re trying to build! One of the ways I like to figure out what’s possible is by thinking of the workflow like building a house. We can’t put all of the final touches on (columns, recipients, CCs, threads, etc) until we have the foundation built!

With that, I would like you to explore 2 different resources as we get started; the app pages for the apps you’re using in this workflow:

The first step is to make an outline of the steps you’d like to take, in the order you’d like to take them in, starting with the trigger (the event that’s going to kick off the entire workflow) followed by 1 or more actions.

Looking at those pages (and you’ll have to scroll down a bit), which trigger and actions seem like they describe what you’re trying to accomplish? Let’s start there and then start exploring all of the details. 🙂