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Will a looping zap completely stop if a single instance fails?

I’m creating a zap where I want to check that my CRM records exist in my Email Marketing database. This is a simplified version of what I’m doing:

  • Find all records in CRM
  • Create loop from line-items on CRM emails
  • Find record in Email Marketing database where email matches the line-item email
    • If nothing is found, it is considered a success
  • Create record in Email Marketing database with the missing email

What I would like to see is that if an instance in the loop fails (meaning that the email does exist in the Email Marketing database), then a record is not created, and the zap continues with the next instance, creating records if an email is not found in the database.

Hi @Yellowtail Solutions 

Good question.

Each loop iteration runs independently.

NOTE: Too many Zap errors in a short amount of time may cause the Zap to turn OFF automatically.


For the below, you may want to add a condition to continue if no result is found, followed by a Filter step to avoid Zap Run errors:



Find record in Email Marketing database where email matches the line-item email

  • If nothing is found, it is considered a success

Thank you so much! As you recommended, I added in a filter, so now it looks a bit like this:

  • Find record in Email Marketing database where email matches the line-item email

    • If nothing is found, it is considered a success
  • Only continue if “Zap Search Was Found Status” is false

Thanks so much for the update here, @Yellowtail Solutions. Really pleased to see that Troy was able to help you get a solution in place! 😁🎉
