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Loop Results - how to populate a table

I have created a loop for a list of products and the associated price for each product.  I want to take the results of the loop and create a new row in a Zapier table (or Google Sheet) that will match the product name with the column header and add the product price in a new row.

Hi @NotaryCam Admin 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

Also, outline a specific example for us so we can understand the input and expected outcome.

Screenshots attached:

  1. First step is to retrieve a record from our Freshsales account
  2. Results of the retrieval provides the record and within the record is a collection of products and rates and the Account (Client) name (i.e. Mid States Title)
  3. Next Zap loops through the list of products to extract the Product Name, Product ID and Product Rate (Price)
  4. Goal is to create a new record in a Zap table (screenshot attached) for the Account (Enterprise Name) and then add the Product Rate into the matching columns in the table.

Hi there @NotaryCam Admin,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

It looks like your Looping by Zapier setup is good. Could you please try mapping the output of the looping step to the Zapier Tables step?

(view larger)

Kindly give it a try and let me know how it goes? I'll keep an eye out for your response!


@NotaryCam Admin 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap step 3 is configured in EDIT mode.


@ken.a  - that is the step that I am having trouble solving for.

@NotaryCam Admin 

Map data from Step 1 into the Looping step.

Map data from the Looping step to the steps after the Looping step.

@Troy Tessalone = added the screen shot of the Create Record in edit mode.

@NotaryCam Admin 

If you want loop iteration values sent to Step 3, then you would map variables from Step 2.

@Troy Tessalone - thanks Troy.  I understand the need to map the variables from the Loop in Step 2.  My roadblock is matching the Product Name from the Loop results in Step 2 to the Table column name in step 3.

  • Create a new record in the Zapier table
  • Read the Product Name from the Loop result
  • Find the matching column in the Zapier table for the new record
  • Write the Product Rate value from the Step 2 loop results into the Zapier table.

@NotaryCam Admin 

That would likely involve a custom Code step to set N variables to then map to each column.

For each loop iteration, only the matching column variable would have a value.

e.g. If there are 3 columns, then the Code step would output 3 variables to map.
